Tuesday, May 6, 2008

AHHHHH, Deep Breath...

Things are starting to seem a bit more manageable with things slowing down. I'm enjoying my job but that new employee high is gone. To quote my mother, "It's just a job like any other with all the usual personality quirks and politics." There's definitely a learning curve for me and ultrasounds are KILLING me. Some days I think I've got it right then other days, not so much.

Ella's LOVING daycare. She's spending her mornings with two siblings, age three and two. She gets excited when we get to the house and yesterday she actually turned and waved "bye, bye". It's been a harder transition for me than for her.

This was taken today while I was at work. It appears that Ella enjoys enchiladas.


Anonymous said...

She really enjoys her food! The other day when Rob and Ella stopped by, every bite of my dinner I gave her she ended with "mmmmm" LOL

SouthAsiaRocks said...

That's awesome that she loves daycare! I"m sure that makes it easier on you :) That picture is AWESOME! haha! she's so cute!
Happy Mother's Day!