Friday, November 30, 2007

Shifting moods

Ella is starting to behave more like a toddler. She points to things she wants, pounds on the highchair when she's hungry, and brings you books she wants you to read to her. She also puts on her pouty face if she's irritated and whines if she doesn't get her way. At least she's still easily distracted or teased out of her moods. Recently she's started to throw the occasional fit. Being the wonderful parents that we are, Rob and I usually laugh at her as she starts to assume her fit posture. So far it's nipped the behavior in the bud. Whatever am I going to do when it doesn't?

GramGi was able to tease her out of this one...

Monday, November 26, 2007

New book

We were at Costco a couple of days ago and bought, what has turned out to be, Ella's newest favorite book. It changes almost weekly.

As you can see, it's almost as big as she is.

Apparently it's quite heavy.

Flipping through, the tiger is her favorite.

Honolulu Zoo

Saturday we took Ella to The Honolulu Zoo. It was smaller than the San Diego Zoo but was perfect for a first visit. She especially enjoyed the elephants and tigers.

Ella notices the elephants for the first time...

They were really interesting...

In front of the elephants with Daddy...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

"Not THAT hat, Sparks!"

My Uncle Ed, AKA Sparky, and Aunt Jane are visiting from Vermont. Sparky brought his favorite hat and Jane is frequently heard saying the above words as they leave the house. On this day she won...

Monday, November 12, 2007

Outside at Sunset

Daddy's home

My mother's gone, Rob's home, and my aunt and uncle flew to the Big Island this morning. Rob got home Saturday night and Ella was SOOO excited. Her primary sound since his return has been "dadadadadad." She's still refusing to say "mama". The night he got back she woke up at 2am and didn't want to go back down. I almost had her back to sleep when Rob came in to check on us. That was the end of that! "DADADADA" was all I heard for the next hour and a half. He got to stay up with her and play.

Why Gigi is so much fun...

Another thing to think about...

Over the last year, but more so in the last month, there's been all this bad press about BPA (bisphenol A). It's a molecule used in some hard plastics. According to the FDA it's harmless but others blame it on a myriad of problems ranging from diabetes to ADHD.

Being the freaky parent that I am, I'm on the hunt for BPA-free sippy cups. There are quite a few out there. The hip newer ones start at $7.99 a cup. Ridiculous! I don't spend that much on my glasses and they're used for years. I figured there had to be cheaper alternitives out there and there are. It seem that the plastic to avoid is #7. It contains BPA. Plastics #1, #2, #4, and #5 are OK. I have no idea about the other ones but according to one group all others should be avoided because they have other BAD things. UGH!!!!!!!

The one good thing is that my Avent sippy cups are OK but don't get me started on their baby bottles. At least Ella is almost done with this those.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Cuddle time.

It appears that the dogs make great cuddle buddies. Ella seems to have learned that it's better not to get too close to Jakey because he licks but recently she's getting braver. I think it's because the licking tickles and makes her laugh.

Really, I'm not doing what you think I'm doing.

Ella has found that it's great fun to feed the dogs during meal time. She's learned to surreptitiously hurl them food because I frequently scold her when I catch her at it. It's so hard not to laugh, especially when she gives me her innocent look.