Friday, November 30, 2007

Shifting moods

Ella is starting to behave more like a toddler. She points to things she wants, pounds on the highchair when she's hungry, and brings you books she wants you to read to her. She also puts on her pouty face if she's irritated and whines if she doesn't get her way. At least she's still easily distracted or teased out of her moods. Recently she's started to throw the occasional fit. Being the wonderful parents that we are, Rob and I usually laugh at her as she starts to assume her fit posture. So far it's nipped the behavior in the bud. Whatever am I going to do when it doesn't?

GramGi was able to tease her out of this one...

1 comment:

amy said...

So cute! I love this series of photos! Maybe Ella wouldn't be so upset if she wore something other than PINK!!! Hahaha!