Monday, November 12, 2007

Another thing to think about...

Over the last year, but more so in the last month, there's been all this bad press about BPA (bisphenol A). It's a molecule used in some hard plastics. According to the FDA it's harmless but others blame it on a myriad of problems ranging from diabetes to ADHD.

Being the freaky parent that I am, I'm on the hunt for BPA-free sippy cups. There are quite a few out there. The hip newer ones start at $7.99 a cup. Ridiculous! I don't spend that much on my glasses and they're used for years. I figured there had to be cheaper alternitives out there and there are. It seem that the plastic to avoid is #7. It contains BPA. Plastics #1, #2, #4, and #5 are OK. I have no idea about the other ones but according to one group all others should be avoided because they have other BAD things. UGH!!!!!!!

The one good thing is that my Avent sippy cups are OK but don't get me started on their baby bottles. At least Ella is almost done with this those.


amy said...

Ugh. I had my moment of panic about this stuff a few weeks ago. PErhaps we freaked out together? I can't remember. I got the boy some small glasses (tough) for drinking milk/water that we use sometimes instead of plastic. He likes drinking out of big people glasses better anyway. And the dog is there to clean up the spills!

amy said...

oh---can you send me the name of brands that seem better than others? ALso, I know some people get SIGG kid bottles and Kleen Kanteen (?) sometime like that...