Monday, June 30, 2008

Wacky week...

Last week was quite the week. Ella was sick with a cold then was better, then was running a fever, then was better, then both of us spent an evening vomiting, then were better, then Ella started with another cold and now is a little better. Work has stared to get busy because I finally have the ability to bill insurance companies so am now seeing patients on my own. I've also begun seeing patients with inoperable live cancer that one of my docs can treat. Managing those patients is a bit like primary care so there's quite a learning curve there. It's made my half days in the office a bit longer than half days. I don't know what I'd do without mom and, as of last week, my brother to help.

Ella love having a house full. She cries for "Mama," then "GeeGee," then "Unka." We're trying to teach her "Unka Will" but she's quite have with "Unka." She gets great pleasure out of pointing a naming all of us. She also gets quite angry when she goes looking for "Dada" on iChat and it's only her grandfather. At that point she usually tries to slam the laptop shut.

Ella with Unka Will and his girlfriend, Liz

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