Monday, October 6, 2008

Scawy Stuff...

It seems that the season for ghosts and ghouls is quite frightening for a toddler. During our nightly dog walk late last week Ella started to notice the Halloween decorations. The first night we had a discussion about how the inflatable ghost was a "nice ghost." The next night we talked about it again and she asked to touch it so I walker her over to it and we pushed on it a couple of times. Afterwards I had to explain that it was not her ghost. She then asked me if ghost was "at 'ome." I explained that it wasn't so then THEN asked or told me, I have no idea which, "Dad get ghost." I explained that maybe one day Dad would get her a ghost. When we got home she started peering around corners and yelling "GHOST, GHOST." Last night the SAME ghost became "SCAWY." We walked over to it again and Ella REFUSED to touch it and actually shrank away when I moved her next to it. I tried petting the ghost and that didn't work. I offered to kiss the ghost and Ella nodded that that would be OK with her. So I kissed the ghost. Yes, I was standing in a stranger's yard making out with their inflatable lawn decoration. Ella then insisted I also kiss the "umpkin" the ghost was standing on so I bent over and KISSED. As I stood back up A couple was rounding the corner looking at me quite oddly. I yelled out, "toddler, scawy ghost." They looked at me a little oddly, laughed tensly, and hurried down the street.

Yes, I was making out with something that looked like this...


Baum Twins said...

My new favorite quote: "Yes, I was standing in a stranger's yard making out with their inflatable lawn decoration." I may even put it on my Facebook page.

Anonymous said...

That's what happens when your husband leaves for five months.

Nathan said...

Rob - you've left her with little choice ;)