Saturday, December 15, 2007

For those with snow outside...

It's been quite awhile since Rob and Ella have been swimming. The last time they went she wasn't yet walking. Today the hit the pool, the water was WAY too cold for me so I just documented the event. When we took her out of the water her limbs were FREEZING but she still cried when we put her in the car seat to go home.

These last pictures are as she's about to push herself forward into Rob's arms. When she gets really excited she stiffens her limbs and they all tremble.


Ed said...

I liked he weather better there than here, that's for sure. She doesn't look all that enthused about the pictures in the hula outfit. It was good to see Zadie Belle again.

with love, greatuncle Sparky

Ed said...

"the" weather, not "he."
didn't proof it well enough