Monday, September 29, 2008

Toddler Silliness

Ella's been talking up a storm recently and I just wanted to recount a couple of our "conversations."

While "diving" (standing in the front seat of the CRV turning lights on and off) two weeks ago...
Ella: Mama, SIT, door, door!!
Mama (after closing the door): OK Ella, I'm sitting.
Ella: Mama, keys! (pointing to mail key that she has jammed into the ignition)
Mama: I see. Good job Ella. Where are we going?
Ella: Airport! Pane!
Mama: We're going to the airport? We're going on a plane ride?
Ella: Airport! Dada!
Mama: We're going to pick up Dada? But Dada isn't at the airport.
At that point Ella gave me a HUGE scowl/pout and began to ignore me.

While playing in the park two ago...
Ella: (pointing at plane) Pane! Pane!
Gigi: Yes, that's a plane. Gigi's going on a plane soon.
Ella: Gigi no pane! Gigi go park, no pane!!

While having breakfast yesterday...
Gigi: Ella, you're making a huge mess.
Ella (to Jake as he moves in to mooch): No Jake, my mess! No!!! Mine! Ella's mess!

Last night..
Ella was trying to climb onto her time out chair while saying "time out." Apparently she wanted me to place her in the chair because when I didn't she ran at me saying "hit, hit, time out" while trying to hit me.

After Mom picked up Ella from daycare today she noticed the plug-in pumpkin on the porch and insisted on bringing it inside. Mom says she was playing in the front room with the pumpkin and then got eerily quiet. When Mom when to look for her she was upstairs with the pumpkin plugged in. She knows she's not supposed to touch plugs and when she saw my mother ran up to her yelling "GO, GO, go away Gigi" while trying to push her out of the room. It's time for new plugs.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

These are HYSTERICAL!!!!!!