Sunday, May 3, 2009

Update and "weedness"

A couple of night ago I was being my usual, silly, slightly hyper self as I danced (badly) and sang (more badly, I know J.J., not really English) around the kitchen. Ella usually laughs. Instead she looked at me like I was a bit off and said, "Mama you weed." I (very confused) asked, "I'm a weed?" She STRIDENTLY replied, "NO! YOU WEE-UD!" Me, getting it, asked in disbelief,
"I'm weird?" Ella, with a massive grin, says, "YES! YOU WEE-UD!" My response was "You ain't seen nothin' yet baby! Wait until you're 13!"

What two and a half year old calls their mama weird?

Here are some photos of Ella with her NON WEE-UD parent!

1 comment:

SouthAsiaRocks said...

haha! That's awesome! It's cool to be WEE-UD!
Great pics!!