Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Ouch Mommy, it hurts!!

Poor Ella Bella. Tonight she started fussing and working her gums with her hand in one particular spot. She finally fell asleep while I ran out to the store for some Orajel. She was not at all pleased when I woke her up to dress her in a diaper and PJs. She was even less pleased when I applied the Orajel but she's now resting peacefully.

Did you know that the nighttime Orajel formula with "added teething pain reliever" has all of 2.5% more benzocaine than the daytime formula? The difference is 7.5% and 10% and it's almost 1/3 the amount for the same price. Nutty!!!!


amy said...

don't you know the rule? NEVER, I mean NEVER wake a sleeping baby!!! Ike sleeps many nights in his clothes...oh, and welcome to the world of teething...may you enjoy the next 2 years of it!

Elizabeth said...

But she was naked!! I mean NAKED, no diapers, no nothing.

amy said...

haha! You didn't mention that in the first note! It was 1 degree here this morning..guess the thought of a baby without clothes isn't in my mindset right now! Go Ella! hehehe