Monday, August 27, 2007

Busy week...

The last week has been a bit nutty. Ella practices standing every day, each time with a look of surprise quickly followed by a half grin as she falls to the ground. Yesterday she saw the cat, lunged and said "Gidget." Rob says she does it all the time and that is wasn't a word but she's done it a couple of times today. She even once directed it a Bailey. The funny thing is that when she sees the dogs she says "doedoe." I was positive her first word was going to be doggie or dog.

She LOVES berries but only if she can feed herself. Rob introduced strawberries and she shovels them in as fast as you can slice them. Blueberries are another favorite. I think because they leave nice blue streaks on the highchair tray.

She's fascinated with the stairs. She climbs them any chance she gets. Those chances come when we forget to close the gate. On her second climb I found her half way up the first set and said "Ella, no!" She didn't even look back, she just started climbing at double speed.

When my lovely child is about to do something that I usually divert her from like chewing the electrical cord, crawling into the bathroom to play in the toilet, or pulling things out of the dishwasher she always pauses. She then slowly looks over her shoulder at me to see if I'm watching and promptly attempts to do it anyway.

Oh, and she discovered cottage cheese.

1 comment:

amy said...

...she probably thought you said "ELLA, GO" when she was on the stairs. Glad to see you have an active kid....:)