Sunday, August 12, 2007

I know, I know!!

It's been ages and ages since a post. I'm soooo sorry about that. I promise to try and make it up to you all. So get ready!! We got back form Florida last week. Since our departure from Hawaii Ella's grown a head of hair and six additional teeth. She's lost almost all her arm rolls and is working on slimming down her "thunder thighs." No, I haven't put her on a diet. She's just become quite active. She pulls herself up into a standing position, creeps along furniture and stands for a few brief seconds. She also seems to have mastered climbing UP the stairs. Now if she could only master climbing DOWN. We've tried to teach her to scoot on her rear end but she doesn't quite get it. Her favorite thing to do is chase Gidget. She's not that interested in the dogs but will sit in front of them on her knees and babble at them. Will that slow her speech development at all?

While we were home Erika brought a hula outfit from NYC for Ella. I was having trouble finding one in her size here. She loved the skirt, even fussed when I took it off.

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