Monday, March 31, 2008

Hi ho! Hi ho! It's off to work we go!

Today was my first day and I think Ella knew. She woke up at 5 am and wanted to lie on me, in my bed. I got up to leave her with Rob and she followed me downstairs, in tears, while I was drying my hair. Rob dropped her off at our temporary babysitters @ 8:30 and she didn't even notice we were missing until I walked in the door at 1:30. Work was great but Kim, the awesome at home daycare provider, quit yesterday. It seems that there is some sort of family emergency and her sister is shipping out Kim's niece. That will put her at the max allowable number of toddlers, three. So, until her niece leaves, we are without a permanent solution.

My first day of work was great. It looks like I'll be learning a TON of new things and they're willing to train me to do whatever I'm comfortable with. I'm quite excited to be going back to work and I think Ella is going to survive without me. If only we could find someone to take care of her. Are there any takers? You can live in Hawaii for free.

How can you resist a child creative enough to say "Bye, Daddy" into her banana without any prompting?

1 comment:

SouthAsiaRocks said...

haha! So cute! I lvoe the banana :)