Tuesday, March 18, 2008

ISO Live in Nanny!

Yep, we're ISO (in search of, for the not so computer savvy) any form of childcare for Ella. I go back to work the first week in April. For those of you wincing and thinking I'm nuts because Rob's going to be gone the better part of the next eight months, it's only part time. I'll be working five days a week, four hour days with the potential to work more when Rob returns. I thought we'd do full-time day care and just keep her in 5-6 hours a day. She enjoys other children so much I think it will be a positive experience for her. I am having a bit of trouble finding someone I feel comfortable with. So, if you know of anyone who would be willing to provide childcare for @ 25 hours a week in exchange for room and board then I'm willing to interview. Erika S., if you want to take the job we can forgo the interview process.


erika said...

Would I have to share a room with Bailey?

Elizabeth said...

Yes, but I'll buy you a new bed so you and Bailey won't have to share.