Thursday, May 3, 2007

Another first!!

It's been another eventful day filled with firsts. Ella had her first ER visit, and her first IV, and her first IV Zofran (a medication for vomiting) and her first urinary catheter. Lucky girl!! Just think, there are many people who go years without experiencing any of the above and Ella got to experience them all in a single day.

It started on Sunday with some vomiting followed by some diarrhea. The vomiting got better but the diarrhea didn't. Yesterday she perked up and we thought she'd turned the corner but today she took 5 naps, ate very little, and only smiled TWICE. Her MD thought she had a urinary tract infection but we couldn't get a urine sample so off to the ER we went. After the first 150ml of IV fluid her eyes looked brighter and she was grinning at ANYONE who glanced her way. It was the best she'd looked in days, poor baby.

Well, Rob just got off the phone with the MD and it's not a urinary tract infection it's rotavirus . Some people go to Canada and bring back a lousy t-shirt but no, not us. A t-shirt wasn't nearly good enough for us!

For the medical people out there... her CO2 was all of 14. Maybe, just a little acidotic, maybe? Yes, that was sarcasm.


Nathan said...

Yikes! I was hospitalized with that one time when I went to Canada.

I hope your babe is doing better!

amy said...

Poor kiddo!!!!! Glad the IV fluid helped...hope she's on the upswing