Sunday, October 14, 2007

You're not going to believe me but...

Today (actually yesterday) Ella said "thank you". No, it wasn't perfectly clear but it was two syllables. I handed her a cracker and she looked up at me and said...
"Tink ooh."

Apparently she said it to Rob yesterday and he wasn't sure what it was. Yes, I have an incredibly polite toddler. No, it won't last into her teen years.

Ella discovers the light switch.

I have no idea what her eye color is, something between brown and hazel.

Oh, and she slept through the night last night, 7:30 to 7:00, without waking once. I didn't check on her a single time. Is that sad or what?


amy said...

What did you give her...whiskey or gin?

WIll said...

thankyou is overrated.