Thursday, March 15, 2007

Thanks Jim!

Ella's great uncle (How do you like that title Jim?) put this together for some of Rob's side of the family. It was so fun I thought I'd post it! It's also nice to see that I'm not the only one with an Ella obsession.

The last few days Ella (I'm leaving off the Bella since it's 3am and PLAYTIME!) has become quite adept at rolling across the floor but only towards her left. She rolls until she hits the wall, a piece of furniture, or a dog. She then begins to whine until I flip her in the other direction so she can begin anew. I've also had to raise the height on her Exersaucer for the second time since Rob's departure. This morning she started to spin herself around in it and she now reaches for all the toys. It is amazing to me how quickly she's changing.

1 comment:

Nathan said...

This is great! He sure did a fantastic job with this.