Thursday, February 22, 2007

Happy 5 months Ella!

or should I say 21 weeks, 6 days?

Ella loves the dogs almost as much as she loves 3:00 am playtime. Needless to say, I'm a bit tired with HUGE bags under my eyes. This evening Ella was sitting on my lap and Jake walked up with his duck. He sat in front of Ella with it in his mouth. She reached out and took it from him. I sat there waiting for her to try and put it in her mouth. YUCK!!! HE sat there waiting for her to throw it. She did neither and after @30 seconds Jake took if from her, plopped himself at our feet with the duck as a chin rest and looked pitiful.

No, that isn't Jake, it's Bailey

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Poor Jake! (I have one of those "needy" dogs too!!) But it's nice that the pups are entertainment for Ella Bella. I'm counting on mine being babysitters. Ha.