Friday, February 16, 2007

Oh... The Pressure!!!

I spoke to Mom today and she explained to me that I would be entering a blog entry today so here we are.

Ella and I had a good day today. The highlight was this evening's bath time. We played "TIMBER." Ella would stiffen her body and stand up with my help (of course) and then I would say "timber." She would then lean back and fall into the water. The first time we did it she looked startled and then got this HUGE grin on her face. After about the thirtieth time she was still stiffening her body and if I didn't stand her up she would frown and fuss. We had to get out of the tub so I could get some peace.

She has decided that her Exersaucer is GREAT fun and I have decided her Exersaucer is my new best friend.


Nathan said...

Yes, we can relate to the exersaucer being a great friend. It sure helps out!!!

Can't wait for Ella and Zadie to meet!!

Anonymous said...

She's playing "big girl" games already! What's next? Memorizing the lines to "Waiter, there's a fly in my soup," then performing it for you?