Monday, February 5, 2007

Linebacker or Pianist?

We visited the pediatrician for Ella's four month vaccines. Imagine my surprise when she weighed in at at a whopping 17lbs, 1oz (naked) and 26 inches!!! That's why the Baby Bjorn is so darn uncomfortable. She's 97%+ for weight and height. Where did this chunk of a baby come from? The pediatrician encouraged me to start cereal but she barely notices when I'm eating, never reaches for my food, and isn't sitting up so well. I think we'll wait.

1 comment:

Amy Martin said...

Cute!! I knew she would have to be way up there in her percentile. I think you should wait as long as you can for the cereal, or at least until Rob comes home so he can join in the messy fun! See you girls Friday.