Sunday, April 15, 2007

Rob's new toy.

Rob came back for Palau in search of the perfect laptop. Well, today he went shopping and came back with a MacBook Pro. We had decided on the MacBook with some basic upgrades but he went to the store without me. I should have known better than to trust him out on his own.

When we were researching yesterday my, oh so generous, husband stated "I almost don't want to get an Apple." When I asked "why" his response was "because you'll want to use it." I can't wait 'til he leaves for work tomorrow and I can get my hands on the photo and video programs (if he doesn't sneak off with it.)

My father and brother have already called to say congrats. I think they're as excited the new acquisition as they were about Ella's birth.

I think I need a new camera to go with the MacBook. Hint!! Hint!!

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