Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Things Ella and I learned this week

1) Gravity works... repeatedly... on the same object
2) Receipts taste good!
3) Co-sleeping with Mommy means playtime at 4am.
4) Cartoons are great!
5) Daddy's a great distraction when you're overtired and don't want to sleep.
6) Bananas are yummy!
7) Pieces of banana are fun!
8) It's fun having Daddy home.

1) Gravity SUCKS!
2) A receipt is a perfect fit for a small mouth.
3) Co-sleeping may not work for us.
4) Rob and I differ in our views on TV for Ella.
5) Handing an overtired Ella off to Rob isn't a great idea.
6) You can spoon banana out of it's peel.
7) Pieces of banana are hard to remove from small ears and nostrils.
8) It's great having Rob back!

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