Monday, April 2, 2007

It's..... PLAYTIME..... at 4am?

Yes, we're up. What else is there to do at oh four hundred? Ella's playing with her mobile and HOPEFULLY will go back to sleep so I can go back to sleep.

Yesterday I left Ella with Amy for a few hours. It's the first time I've been apart from her in a couple of months and the first time I've left her with non family. It was definitely harder for me than it was for her. She spent about fifteen minutes on my lap and then became more interested in Amy's Pufferfish than in her mother. I handed her off to Amy and it took EFFORT to get her to smile at me as I said goodbye. I feed, clothe, bathe, change and comfort her and it's all she can do to even notice I'm leaving. Payback's hell! When I returned a couple of hours later she was asleep propped up on the couch with Amy and Cooper keeping watch. When she woke up she grinned at me like I'd never left.

Here are some photos Amy snapped of Ella being MISERABLE without me.

It's now 4:28 and all is quiet so I'm off to bed.


WIll said...

It is Ella Bella! What a great blog.

Amy Martin said...

What an angel baby she was!!!!!

Kisha said...

what a cutie!!!! love the fish to. I know the feeling about leaving her, my daughter is now 25 months old and I finally left her with another mom.